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Morocco Travel Tips

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Get the finest Morocco travel ideas and tips from locals.

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Morocco Travel Tips & Advice are excellent options for a hassle-free and enjoyable trip to Morocco.

The towns of Morocco are the obvious draws. Marrakech and Fes are ideal locations for exploring the old medinas’ medieval alleyways, which are teeming with donkeys, vendors, and the fragrances of Africa. Tangier and Agadir are sophisticated towns with exquisite boulevards and Gallic café culture, while Casablanca and Rabat are contemporary cities with elegant boulevards and Gallic café culture.

Morocco’s past becomes more apparent and accessible when you travel to smaller towns. Chefchouan, in the north, has cornflower-blue homes that stretch across a lush slope, and Essaouira, a fortified seaside town that was originally a Portuguese stronghold on Atlantic Africa, is worth a visit. Taxis are inexpensive and take you to magnificent sights like; Roman columns preserved by the desert at Volubilis, and mud-built forts towering over folding mountain landscapes.

Zoom in for a closer look at village life: surf settlements on the sun-drenched southern coast at Agadir, walk to Berber towns nestled against adobe castle walls in the Atlas Mountains, and ride camels through Saharan dunes with nomads. the desert-preserved Roman columns at Volubilis and mud-built forts towering above folded mountain vistas.

Moroccans are extraordinarily friendly on all levels: this is one nation where you will almost certainly be invited into private houses and served sweet tea. Relax and finish your trip with a taste of Morocco, which includes slow-cooked tagine, pastilla (pigeon pastry), and couscous.


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Before you go to Morocco, make sure you know these things.

What vaccinations do I need for Morocco?

Before coming to Morocco, you should obtain medical advice from a local physician and confirm that you have had all the necessary vaccines. Tetanus and Hepatitis A are strongly advised as precautions. Check out the NHS Fit to Travel page or the CDC Traveler’s Health page for further information on health precautions in Morocco.


Safe eating while traveling in Morocco

In general, avoid anything that has been washed in tap water, as well as drinks with ice, and only consume fruit that you can peel. Avoid street food that appears like it’s been lying in the sun for hours, and make sure your meal is presented scorching hot if it’s supposed to be. Bustling restaurants are typically a positive indication because they serve high-quality cuisine that won’t make you sick. Avoid going anywhere that appears run-down or unusually deserted.


Is Morocco a family-friendly holiday destination?

Morocco is a fantastic destination for the entire family, offering a variety of activities for all ages, from camel trekking in the Sahara to relaxing on the beaches along the Atlantic coast. In addition to our Morocco with Teens trip, which is appropriate for parents with adolescents aged 12 and above, we offer three family excursions for children over the age of five. Teenagers aged 16 and above, accompanied by a parent or guardian if under the age of 18, are welcome on our regular group excursions. On our private excursions and tailor-made vacations, we accept children of all ages.

What is the Moroccan currency?

Morocco’s currency is the Moroccan Dirham. It’s a restricted currency, meaning it can’t be carried out of the nation and isn’t accessible anywhere else. Outside of Morocco, you can purchase and sell Dirham, however, there is a 10,000DH import and export restriction. Instead of exchanging money before arriving, it is advised that you withdraw Dirham from an ATM when you reach the airport. For the most up-to-date currency rates, go to OANDA.

In Morocco, you may convert Pound Sterling, US Dollars, and Euros at different bureau de changers in major cities and towns, and most banks offer ATMs. Please note that it is still not feasible to convert Australian dollars in Morocco at this time. Outside of major cities and villages, credit cards are practically worthless. Request banknotes in lesser denominations whenever possible, as big notes might be difficult to convert, and smaller notes are useful for minor transactions and gratuities.

Traveler’s Cheques aren’t a good idea because they’re tough to exchange and come with exorbitant costs.


Camping in the Sahara

A wonderful night is spent on one of our Morocco excursions in a remote Berber tent in the Sahara. There are no further facilities at this modest camp, which has a few communal tents, a bathroom tent, and an outside dining area. Blankets and sleeping mats are provided. You may sleep under the stars or inside the tent, depending on the weather. When you arrive at the camp, the Berbers will prepare an evening meal for you.

When traveling to Morocco, it’s also vital to keep in mind Islamic festivals. The month of Ramadan entails strict fasting during the day, which can be a transportation concern, but the nighttime festivities can compensate for the quiet days.

Highlights of Morocco Travel Tips

Visit Ben Haddou, a historic desert fortified city in the Draa Valley that has served as a background for films such as Gladiator, Lawrence of Arabia, and Jewel of the Nile.
In the dunes of Merzouga, discover the hidden joys of a Bedouin tent. Enjoy a magnificent sunset while dining beneath the stars and listening to a local band perform.
Tour the royal towns of Rabat, Fes, Marrakesh, and Meknes to learn about hundreds of years of history.

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